DocEng 2013 is now complete.  Thanks to everyone who attended.
to visit the website of , which will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The DocEng 2013 Proceedings can now be ordered from or .

The 13th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng) was held in Florence, Italy.  DocEng 2013 was built on the tradition of past symposia previously held around the world including (2012), (2011), (2010) and (2009).

The provides an annual international forum for presentations and discussions on principles, tools and processes that improve our ability to create, manage and maintain documents. It is sponsored by by means of the Special Interest Group. All DocEng Proceedings are available through the .

Researchers in both academia and industry attended DocEng 2013.

DocEng 2013 Banquet

Latest Updates

2013-09-07: Updated information about workshops and reception in the venue page and in the  social activities page.
Page structure reorganized -- new heading "Current information".
2013-09-01: Preliminary information on social activities is now online.
Updated programme online.
Travelling directions on how to reach the workshop venue have been added to the venue page.
Information about available space for poster presenters is now available on the venue page.
2013-08-02: The preliminary conference programme is now online
Late registration fees for workshops announced
2013-07-30: The list of panel members and accepted participants at ProDoc@DocEng is now final.
2013-07-12: Preliminary information about the conference programme is available
2013-07-04: Registration is now open
2013-07-02: The venue for the workshops has now been announced.
2013-07-01: Information about registration now online
List of accepted papers now online
2013-06-11: Deadline extensions for DH-Case 2013 and for student support applications
ProDoc@DocEng deadline extension
Deadline extension for short papers, application notes and posters
2013-05-17: The Call for Submissions for ProDoc@DocEng is now online.
2013-05-03: The venue for the main conference has now been announced.
2013-04-29: Workshop information updated.
2013-04-24: Workshop information updated.
Full paper manuscript submission deadline extended.
2013-03-19: Submission procedures have been updated.
2013-03-13: A Twitter feed has been added to the conference home page.
The submission procedures for full/short papers and for workshop and tutorial proposals are now online.
2013-01-27: The current list of Programme Committee members is now online.
Information about ACM SIGWEB Travel Awards for students is now online.
The Call for Papers is now online.
Important dates announced.  The preliminary Call for Papers will follow shortly.
2012-09-22: The conference website can now be accessed under the domain

The for DocEng 2013 is now online.